Thursday 10 January 2013 Competition...

Happy New Year!! After a lush Christmas and New Years break I’ve finally decided to get back to it!!  I wanted to write on here over Christmas, but I wasn't sure what to put! During the break I received a message from my lecturer telling me about a new and emerging designer competition. The competition was with a company called ‘’ the names pretty obvious, so it’s not hard to tell what it was about!!

The Brief:-

‘the creative challenge’
 “We’d like you to create a brand
new print design for an upholstery
fabric to join our range of exclusive
designer fabrics.
We’re looking for a design that our customers
will find striking and innovative, but not
intimidating or bewildering; something that
they’ll be bowled over by but that they can also
imagine in their home. The winning design has
the potential to become one of our most popular
patterned fabrics.”

I used the patterns I had created last semester as inspiration for the project. I created several designs and then placed them onto the sofa templates I downloaded from the competition brief. I really enjoyed using cad and putting my fabric designs onto sofa templates, I was quite pleased with the final sofa design that I chose to enter. It’s quite a modern pattern, but I do feel it could look good in a traditional environment too. Below are some of my designs…

I was asked to also include up to 5 Moodboards to show how i was inspired throughout the project. Above is one of the Moodboards i entered containing several artists work Inc:- Mark Herald & Angie Lewin.

The first CAD sofa design i created. I like the simplicity of this design, however I didn't feel that it would quite suit to the tastes of the companies client base.

This is the completed sofa design that I entered into the competition. I really like the colours and the pattern. I feel that it looks quite traditional, but with a modern quirky edge.

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